Thursday, July 17, 2014

Upstate Writing Project 2014

I was lucky enough to be selected to join in the Upstate Writing Project's Summer Institute through Clemson University this summer. The institute consisted of a group of teachers, K-12th, learning about different writing practices and exploring writing ourselves. It was a great opportunity to get to know a diverse group of teachers and hear different perspectives. It was also very challenging because we were expected to write daily and share our writing with our peers. I felt very accomplished because during this time I was able to do something I've always wanted to do... Write a children's book!

My book was inspired by a field trip we took to the author Carl Sandburg's home in Flat Rock, SC. It was a beautiful place and very inspiring to see the home of a great author. It is a great place to visit and very kid-friendly --they even had a goat barn, which sparked the idea for my book! Here are some pictures I took while we were there.

Here is a link to the Carl Sandburg website if you are interested in checking it out! 

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